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Friday, December 2, 2011

Backorder Domain Names at | Backorder Domain Names: takes your Domaining Experience ...

Backorder Domain Names at | Backorder Domain Names: takes your Domaining Experience ...: By Jason Minnig Backordering Operations Manager. started with just one registrar in 2010 and now with our expansion i... takes your Domaining Experience to a whole new level.

By Jason Minnig Backordering Operations Manager. started with just one registrar in 2010 and now with our expansion in the industry and highest capturing software, we will continue to advance rapidly. We are currently ranked #3 among all backordering clubs in the world and that is due to our tenacious and uncanny ability to adjust to the Domaining industry as a whole. offers the most competitive pricing in the industry, thus allowing our Backorders to stay extremely happy with our services that we provide. We understand your importance of obtaining certain domain names and we have an unwavering momentum, which will allow us to be a continued brand name in the domaining industry.

Benefits for choosing;

Current features of;

·       The More Domains Backordered allows for Discounted Rates per Backordered Domain Name(s).
·       Extremely Secure System and all transactions are processed through and a multi-million dollar secure socket layer.
·       Private and Public auctions are available and all private auctions are held in alignment with those who initially Backordered the Domain Name(s).
·       Highest Capturing Software and programmers working nonstop, to insure the best Backordering experience for all.

            Soon to come to in;

·       Keyword Search functionality to allow you to select industry specific Domain Names.
·       Free tools to allow for Domain Appraisal and better idea on how to market your Backordered Domain to prospective buyers.
·       A credit system to be integrated, just like a prepaid Credit Card and discounts per Domain Name will be applied.
·       Brokerage services to help sell your Backordered Domain(s) and the lowest fees applied at the end of the sale.
·       Ability to sell your Domains, without having to transfer immediately from your current registrar. listens to their Backorderers and any suggestions on making your experience better, is always welcomed feedback. We look forward to anyone signing up to be a backorderer and know you will be extremely satisfied with the service we provide. Feel free to visit our site and sign up and if you have any questions, our support department is always happy to assist you. will change the way you feel about Backordering and it is a pleasure to help you in the near future.

Visit to Join for FREE and Start Backordering today!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Google & Bing (Still) Handle Underscores & Dashes Differently

google-bing-logosIt’s one of the longest-running SEO questions around, and still something many of us get asked by clients, readers, conference attendees and so forth:
Should we use dashes or underscores in our URLs?
Google re-opened the discussion recently with a new YouTube video that highlights how Google currently handles dashes and underscores, and also reminds us that Google and Bing differ on this bit of SEO minutiae.
Many of you will recall this was a pretty hot topic a few years ago when Google originally announced that both dashes and underscores both served as separators, and then backtracked on that statement about a week later, saying it “wasn’t a done deal yet.”
As the new video explains, it’s still not a done deal … and may never be. Google’s Matt Cutts says there’s still a difference between how Google treats underscores in URLs versus how it treats dashes.
In the video, Cutts explains that, when Google sees an underscore in a URL, it joins what’s before and after into one term. “We still join on the underscore and separate on the dash,” he says.
Perhaps most importantly from an SEO perspective, though, Cutts cautions webmasters against rewriting all of their existing URLs just to have dashes rather than underscores because the actual ranking impact is minimal:
It doesn’t make that much difference. It’s what we call a second-order effect. It’s not a primary thing that makes a huge difference.
And that can be considered a best practice, at least where Google is concerned, for the foreseeable future. In the video, Cutts says Google doesn’t have any employees working on changing how it handles underscores and dashes in URLs.
What About Bing & Underscores/Dashes?
In short: It makes no difference to Bing whether you use underscores or dashes in your URLs. A Bing spokesperson confirmed this for us via email today:
We do not differentiate between dash and underscore in our URL ranking features.
That’s the same response we got from Microsoft back in 2007, when Bing was known as Live Search.
So, What Should Webmasters Do?
The same advice that has applied for years still applies today: If you’re just starting on a new website, use dashes if you plan to place keywords in your URLs. Those keywords might provide a minor signal of what the page is about and help a wee bit with rankings. But if you have an existing website that’s already doing well in Google and Bing — pages are indexed, you’re getting quality natural search traffic, etc. — don’t switch from underscore-based URLs to dashes. The potential problems from changing URLs might be worse than the potential gains from having dashes rather than underscores in your URLs.

About The Author: is Search Engine Land's Executive News Editor, responsible for overseeing our daily news coverage. His news career includes time spent in TV, radio, and print journalism. His web career continues to include a small number of SEO and social media consulting clients, as well as regular speaking engagements at marketing events around the U.S. He blogs at Small Business Search Marketing and can be found on Twitter at @MattMcGee and/or on Google Plus.

Visit to join for FREE and start backordering domains today!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Backorder Domain Names at | Backorder Domain Names: What To Do When All The Good Domain Names Are Take...

Backorder Domain Names at | Backorder Domain Names: What To Do When All The Good Domain Names Are Take...: Posted by Rick Coelho on: 2007-06-21 00:56:36 Decent available domain names are becoming harder to find these days. Nearly 25 million "....

What To Do When All The Good Domain Names Are Taken

 Posted by Rick Coelho on: 2007-06-21 00:56:36

Decent available domain names are becoming harder to find these days. Nearly 25 million ".com" names have been registered, and over 23 thousand are purchased every day. It also means that you're more likely to win the grand prize lottery then find a great domain name.

Owning a domain name that helps to successfully "magnetize" a flood of incoming traffic is like gold to any online business. But the increasing scarcity of domain names that are simple to remember, short and suggestive have turned them into red hot commodities.

Just take a look at some of the recent domain name acquisitions:

· sold for $7.5 million
· sold for $5 million
· sold for $3.3 million
· sold for $3 million
· sold for $2.2 million
· sold for $1.03 million
· sold for $835,000
· sold for $825,000
· sold for $700,000
· sold for $450,000
· sold for $199,000
· sold for $160,000
· sold for $94,000

However, while some of these domain names may have been sold for millions, corporate buyers backed by large bank accounts are not alone in the domain name game. Even entrepreneurs are making a great living in purchasing and selling their own domains.

Not a day goes by, that a domain name sells for as less as $100 or as much as $1 million on public auction sites. For example, recently featured actual bids for as little as $500 for "" to as much as $20,000 for "" -- and thousands more drifting anywhere in between.

Some people seem to know where to get these "nuggets of gold." In fact, a small handful know about an untapped goldmine that lies discreetly tucked away in the dark corners of the vast Internet. And the awareness of this source has helped these "lucky" individuals earn either outrageous fortunes or monstrous levels of traffic for their website.

The goldmine to which I'm referring is the pool of recently expired domain names. While only a few knows it exists, regardless it is expanding with every passing day. There are literally tens of thousands of unclaimed, non-renewed and expired domain names that become available on a daily basis.

An expired domain name is one that was registered previously but was not paid for in time for the renewal date, thus returning it to the listing of available domains. There are many probable reasons for non-renewal (e.g., forgetful owner, no more interest in site, no longer in business, no longer active or didn't pay for whatever reason).

However, you may be asking, "Sure, but I'm never going to find good domain names before some other person snatches them up." For a long time, being "lucky" also meant being alert for the numerous domains that become available, and being quick in registering them before anyone else does.

New tools are becoming available, making the process of searching, finding and registering great domain names much easier. In fact, some of them assist you to become aware of the near expiring domains, giving you an advantage over your competitors that permits you to grab names seconds after they've been dropped.

Nevertheless, a compelling domain name can help an online business become more visible, credible and accessible. And it will help someone earn a rather large fortune. While in the past, finding one was very prohibitive, with the help of tools that are now at your disposal, you now can be a part of the gold rush, too.

Visit to Backorder Domain Names Today! Sign up for FREE!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Backordering Domains | The Facts and Information, You Need to Know.

By Jason Minnig

There are many reasons why one would want to become a Domainer and within this article, you will understand the process better. Domain name speculation is the practice of identifying and registering or acquiring Internet domain names with the intent of selling the Domains or locking in the Domain Names around an industry or personal organization. Branding ones business on a personal level is highly important for solvency, lead generation, brand awareness and information pertaining to a certain product or service. A Domainer can be just a business or individual looking to capture the domains around their business, which are becoming available on a certain date. Also Domainers can be a single or group of individuals that acquire Domain Names to resell them to prospective buyers or industries. Being involved within the domain industry is looked upon as a very profitable and rewarding industry, with all those involved.

The process of acquiring a Domain Name comes from many factors. One may type in the Domain Name they are interested in, relevant to their business or industry, just to find that someone else owns the Domain Name. The next steps is to Backorder the domain name, either through a well-known and stable company, or wait to be approached by whoever captured it when it dropped to the general registrars. The best option is to use an organization that will not charge huge fees; however let you make an offer on your perceived value of the Domain. Domain Names can range in value, based on certain criteria, such as; Domain Age, Keywords, amount of letters in the domain name, how many times name is searched, current events, etc. It is a good idea to find out which Domains carry the best value on a cyclical cycle.

Domain Names carry different values, on the type of Domain Name you are looking to acquire. The most popular domains are .Com’s and there are different TLD’s (top-level domains), such as; .Net, .Org, .Biz, .AU, .CA and many more. With the limited amount of TLD’S in a certain industry, is the reason for more and more types of TLD’S becoming available. Search Engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and more, give better placement within the search engines on .Com’s, .Net and .Org. Any domain name ending in a .Com, carries the most weight in the search engines, and is the most commonly typed in Domain Name as well. Many people will just type in a product they are looking for, ending in .Com, without even using search engines anymore.  Many clients, leads and placement in search engines are lost every day, by companies not having the .Com Domain Name for their business.

The Domain Name industry has become very popular on many different levels. Below is some statistics on Domain Names and TLD’s, provided by Domain

This proves the popularity of certain types of Domain Names and also shows how many will become available for Domainers, that rely on the market trends, to profit in this industry. There are approximately 85,000 Domain Names that are registered every month and most of this industry is Domainers, looking to make a profit on selected Domain Names. It is best to stick to a certain industry when acquiring Domain Names; this will allow the most success, if you are new to the Domaining game.

Statistics vary on geographical and industry changes, thus allowing those savvy within the industry, to capitalize on certain and pro-active markets. Domaining is very similar to buying or trading stocks, in the fact that, variables and conditions do apply. This article is for information and awareness to those within the Domain Industry or those looking to become an active and pro-active Domainer. The best way to become a Domainer is to take that first and most important step, by merely getting started. Lock in those Domain Names for your business or capture that ideal market, to become highly successful. Best of success and just like any business, the more research and time involved, will catapult your overall success in any given market place.

Visit to set up a FREE account and start Backordering Domain Names Today!